Tuesday, December 6, 2011

'Tis the Season

So, Christmas is nearly upon us, the CCCCenter is decorated to the rafters with trees and wreaths and lovely ornaments hanging from the ceiling. I've brought in some "extra" gifts for the staff to give to residents who don't have family, and will be scouring the house for more of the same during the next few days. Last weekend, I picked mom up from the center and we went to Tom and Julie's house for lunch. Shirley ate a banana and some sloppy joe, then I opened a tin of homemade fudge. She made us all laugh when she slapped at any hands reaching for her cache of chocolate. After lunch, we settled on the couch with blankets. One of Tom's kitties made itself at home and mommo dozed off while petting her. What an excellent visit, as she got to see her grandchildren too!

I spent a few hours with mom today and am as always taken aback by the disappearance of more of mom's skills. She is beginning to be unable to feed herself or hold a cup of milk or tea. Staff will of course help with this as needed, and I try to go at lunch time to take this on as well. She has lost a couple of pounds in the last month and refused the chocolate I offered after lunch, which worried me more than anything else! She's always been a chocolate girl! I might say that I expect this decline to continue, and might know it to be true in my heart, but that doesn't lessen the impact of actually seeing it happen and get worse and worse as Shirley continues this awful journey.

I took some Christmas cards in today hoping that mom might still be able to sign her name to them, but that that turned out to be a pipe dream. She was unable to figure out how to put the pen to card or how to make her mark, so if you have one of her cards from last year, that's the last signature you'll see. I'm going to send the cards to the relatives she has left on her behalf and will include the website for this blog for those interested in reading about her journey.

For those of you who continue to read this rambling blog, thank you. I know who you are and I hold you in the light. Merry Christmas.
