Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Still learning life's lessons

No pictures today, just thoughts. I had such a good day yesterday, worked hard and filled up the trash bin for pickup this morning. Uncovered some parts of the basement that hadn't seen the light of day in years. And there is so much more to do! Anyway, I quit about 3 p.m. and took my book outside to sit with Butterball. It was a really nice day and the breeze was blowing through my woods and I was feeling grateful - and also feeling guilty! How is it that I am afforded such a wonderful life? Not working a regular job, having so many things to be grateful for, roof over my head, car that runs, food in the fridge, kitty to love, mom getting great care and on and on! And then, this morning, I got a life lesson.

As I sat in the sunroom with my coffee, something suddenly hit the window beside me - and hit it HARD! Butterball jumped into action, ran outside, and came back in bearing a little sparrow of some sort. She brought it to me and dropped it at my feet. Its little eyes were closed and it lay motionless in my hand, neck obviously broken. Alive and flying high one minute, gone the next.

So, here's what I decided. I am not going to sit and feel unworthy of the things that have been given me again. I can't get that time back, but I can choose how to spend my time and my thoughts. Today I'm going to live life as best I can. I'll stay busy, get some things into the car for a trip to the Salvation Army, stop by the custard stand before they close for the season, go by to visit mom, and later, if the weather holds, I'll go out with my book and my Butterball and be grateful. Not guilty.