Sunday, May 13, 2012

Always eat dessert first!

Yesterday was a really nice day, and the first of the summer's "Second Saturday" events at the Market House. Small-town living means we have a sort of farmer's market on Saturdays downtown, and during the summer, every second Saturday of the month brings in all sorts of musicians and artisans to set up shop too. It was a lively event, and I almost bought a piece of jewelry that I didn't need, but reigned it in just in time. Instead I spent 4 bucks on a little hollyhock plant to put in mom's front yard.

I had a good visit with mom at the Crawford County Care Center afterward, she woke for lunch and then we got her into a chair and rolled outside to sit in the sun. No sooner did we get situated when little brother Mike came striding down the sidewalk. I was so glad that he finally got the opportunity to visit with mom, as she has been asleep the last two times he came. We spent a good hour together till mommo got sleepy, then we rolled back in for a little raspberry ice cream before she dozed off. Mom no longer walks, so I have ordered her an ultralight wheelchair that we can easily get into the car. She doesn't feed herself anymore either, so I get to visit her almost every day for lunch and a couple of hours together.   Today, Mother's Day, will bring her friend Ed to pick her up and take her to visit her sister-in-law over in Conneaut OH.  Happy Mother's Day to, moms everywhere!

What prompts me to write today is the death of one of the residents at CCCC. Joe was a cheerful old guy who always had a smile and a mumble/grumble for me when we met. He was unable to walk or talk but had an appetite like no one I had ever met. Joe always started with dessert before attacking his main meal, at times all but scraping the finish off the plate before looking around for more. He also had congestive heart failure and was "liquid restricted" to only a cup of coffee and one juice at mealtimes. Joe was in his 90s and passed away on Friday. So, RIP Joe, and take a lesson from him - always have dessert first! Blessings to all my friends.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathy,

    How good to see you! Thanks for the update on your mom, and while it must be difficult to see her health declining, it surely must be a blessing to be able to still take her out. How nice that Ed still takes her on outings also.
    I'm sorry to hear about Joe, but no doubt your sunny visits were a blessing to him, as they are to many at CCCC. Your ever present smile - it's what you share with everyone and we are blessed to know you.
    Prayers for you and your mom, and for your family.
    Always thinking of you and sending hugs across the miles, my friend.
