Friday, April 30, 2010

the saga continues

Well, this evening after work, I'll be packing a few more boxes to take with me on Saturday morning.  I'm presently trying to move some things every time I drive from Buffalo to Meadville in advance of my permanent move in August.  I'm storing these things in mom's basement until I decide whether to rent a place or buy something.  Initially, I had hoped to be able to move in with mom so that I could be there for her most of the time.  However, the thought of sharing her home and giving up her independence makes her very agitated.  She just doesn't want that - yet.  And maybe she will never want it, but I think the brothers and I know that the time is coming when she will be unable to be left on her own for any significant periods of time.

I'm leaning toward buying a small house near her, something with at least 2 bedrooms, so that she and I can decorate one for her to use occasionally.  If she becomes comfortable in my home, it might be easier for her to one day move in with me.  That way, brothers and I could get into her place to clean it up (she has really become a terrible housekeeper), and maybe to get it on the market eventually.

Well, here's hoping that when I walk in tomorrow morning, she'll know who I am!

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