Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hard question

It's been almost a month since I've posted.  I'm mostly packed and mostly moved to Meadville, all I have to do now is secure a lease and key to my house.  I'll likely be a Meadvillian in another week to 10 days.  Scary.

This is going to be a short post, but I have to write this down so I don't forget it.  As my brother was bringing in my mom's medications on Sunday morning, I asked him:  "So tell me again why we want to slow the progression of this disease?"  Do we really want this phase of my mom's life to last 12 or 15 years, instead of 8 or 10?  What would she want?  What would I want in her place?

So those are the thoughts I'll leave you with today.  I'll let you know when we come up with an answer.  And I'll bet I'm not the first caretaker to ask these questions . . .

1 comment:

  1. Kathy,
    Such a difficult question - when someone you love is ill, do you keep her with you as long as you can? Alzheimers can be a long journey - and you lose your loved one at least twice - once during the long road after the diagnosis as you see her failing, (and chances are you know it in your heart even before this), and then again when the journey is over. When my mom passed away after her 25 year struggle (she had early onset Alzheimers)we grieved not so much for her death,(this would come later) but for all she (we) had lost on the journey.
    Hard question? You better believe it - but it's one that only your heart can answer - with God's help and guidance.
    Know, my friend, that you and your family will be in my prayers. I will pray that God will lead you - and that you will know He is with you and guiding you. But most of all, may you know that He loves you - and that He will embrace you all. And that you will feel that embrace at every turn.
    May God's grace be with you...and remember that you have friends who care and can understand the shoes you walk in; at least in part - since our losses are all so personal to us.
