Monday, October 24, 2011

Signs of the times

Time to post again, as the seasons change and life moves along too.

This morning, I saw two city trucks pull up out in front of mom's house. The guys got out and busied themselves putting a snow marker on the fire hydrant located at the end of our street. YIKES, talk about a sign of the times! Snow's a-coming, I guess, and they don't want the plows running into it and making a mess of things during the winter months.

Other signs of time moving on for me include my making a couple of life decisions this month - to do some things that have needed doing for a while now. On October 2nd, I stopped smoking - for the second time this year. I tried in May, got to 20 days and picked up again. This time, I used the Chantix again, but to reinforce the decision, I made an appointment for a Lifestyle Lift. My 40-year smoking habit coupled with my desire to spend time in the sun without sunscreen protection had made a real mess of my face, so now that I had time and inclination, I decided to fix that. The procedure was incredibly painful and pretty expensive. I don't think I'll need much more motivation than that to avoid tobacco in the future, and I think once my bruises and swelling subside, I'm going to be pretty pleased with the results. I'd really like to enjoy the next 20 or so years looking and feeling really wonderful, and maybe I'll get blessed to find a life partner to spend them with too.

The down side of the lift is that I haven't seen mommo since last Wednesday, when we got together out at the Care Center with a few of our friends. This is Carolyn, one of the women who was so close to mom for so long. She is one of the smartest and most loyal of friends mom has. I'm so fortunate that Carolyn and her husband insist on being part of my life now too. It's amazing how the people mom has touched throughout her life have rippled back to touch mine.

I think I might be healed enough by tomorrow to go see mommo and not scare her to death. Once things settle, I'll post a before and after for you all to chuckle at. Thanks for reading and for thinking of us, I am thinking of all my friends too. Take care!

1 comment:

  1. Kathy,

    Looks like I've picked up the pace of my being online just in time to read your post today. I am so happy that you have made some decisions for YOU to feel better. Awesome! Hope you are able to quit smoking for good this time. It's not easy - this I say from experience. For me, it took three times. I'd quit for a few years and then smoke again for a month or two, and then I finally quit for good 17 years ago. Bob W. knew when I had quit because my desk was behind his in T-sled and I was cracking my gum a bit too loud. LOL.
    Your mom looks wonderful = and so do you. How nice to know that Carolyn and her husband are looking out for you. We all need a guardian angel or two, don't we?
    May God continue to bless you, Kath. You deserve such blessings for being a blessing to so many - especially to your mom.
    Hugs and love,
