Thursday, November 10, 2011

Stooge files

Learning from experience, or, the Stooge files

I just spent about 40 minutes writing a new blog. I didn't write it on my gmail blog, because I know from experience that if I do that and then press "post" or "save draft" things will often just disappear into cyberspace. So I took to writing it first as an email to myself, then sending it THEN pasting it into gmail, so I would have a copy. Well, seems like I have more to learn. I just pressed "send" on this email to myself, the icon went round and round, circled, circled, circled, then stopped. I got no email, had no draft, nothing in sent mail. Why didn't I highlight it and copy it first? Because I'm a trusting soul. Or something that rhymes with that anyway. Following is an attempt to recreate the Stooge Files blog.

So, from the time I was a little kid, my brothers and I loved watching the Three Stooges. I clearly recall seeing an episode where Curley was having his tooth pulled with a string tied to a doorknob only a half hour before the 4 of us were due at the dentist. Anyway, I have had some Stooge moments in the last few days that I want to relate. First, let me say that I have never before this fall used a leaf blower. Mom has an electric one, and my first attempt was pretty funny, even to me. Leaves were blowing everywhere, and I became convinced that there was some technique I needed to learn. The next time I used it, I figured out why men are so much better at holding a large instrument out in front of them at waist level and controlling the results. Obviously they've had lots of practice. The Stooge part of this experience was that the first couple of times the extension cord came unplugged, I would set the blower down, jog back to the cord, and plug it in, only to see it begin to snake around the yard on its own. I needed to TURN THE UNIT OFF before plugging it back in. Duh.

The same thing kind of happened right after I hooked up my H2Oral Irrigator, a water pik that attaches to your showerhead. A couple of times, I neglected to turn off the flow of the pik before turning off the shower, so that when I turned the shower on the next day, I got the benefit of having my bathroom powerwashed unintentionally. Stooge stuff.

Which brings me to the latest momstuff. Last week, on Halloween day, I put on my orange cat shirt and brought along a beautiful boa for mom, which you see here. The Crawford County Care Center dressed up most of the mobile residents and themselves as well and we all gathered in the big dining room for fun with a DJ and music. Unfortunately, the DJ wasn't really working very hard at getting folks enthused about the party, so I did the Stooge thing - I embarassed mom no end by getting up and "twisting and shouting" up and down the rows of residents, holding their hands and clapping with them and singing until the next thing I knew, some of the costumed staff joined me and the whole room began to have fun despite their best efforts not to. After I worked up a good sweat and had mom smiling we had donuts and cider and brought the day to a close. A good momday.

I'll close this blog (and Goddamn it, highlight and copy it first) by saying that as mom and I sat in the lobby of the Care Center having tea and cocoa, in came brother Mike. Mom was so glad to see him, and so was I. I so love and depend on my brothers to help me with this journey. God bless all my Stooges. More later!


  1. Kathy,

    When I was pregnant with Laurie and confined to bed rest, every day was Stooge day...that is, I managed to find them on a couple of stations every day. Some of it definitely sunk in - the Curley things especially. Plenty to amuse my entire family. I am blessed to have a husband who has no shame in relating these things to Laurie for her chuckle of the day in Afghanistan. My fear is that she tells her staff and their mental picture of me will change forever, no matter what I say on FB or send in Laurie's packages for her to share with them. But hey, if I can help make the moments lighter for them, it's worth it.
    Your mom looks beautiful and I can picture you getting the group into the spirit of things. What a blessing you are! And I am sure that your brothers thank God for you every day. I know that your friends do.
    And the great thing is that you smile through it all....
    THIS is the spirit of Curley, Larry, and Moe. You learned it well. And I hope you'll forgive me if I tell you that I chuckled at the mental picture of the leaf blower snaking around the yard. Ahhh, yes, a true student of the stooges. I can relate.
    Blessings my friend and big hugs.

  2. Wow, do I know what you mean when you say that your stuff goes into cyberspace! I wrote a very nice, somewhat lengthy response to the post prior to this one. Typed it all in the box, attempted to sign into Google to preview and post it, and POOF! away it went! I was SO mad! lol So, here I am to try again.

    What a wonderful time you had with your mom and the other residents. Leave it to you, to liven things up :) I think you saved the day on that one. You look fantastic, retirement agrees with you, even though you're on a tough journey for now. I'm glad your brother is there with you, and for you. It sure makes it a bit easier.

    I hope you'll have a nice Turkey day, no matter how you spend it.

