Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas Everyone!

So, it's been a long time since I have written in the blog, and several factors have come together to spur me on. First, the world should be ending today according to the Mayan calender. Secondly, it's the first day of winter and we got a dusting of snow on the ground! Thirdly, I've been noticing that Shirley is showing signs of decline after a long period of plateau. She is sleeping more and eating less. She seems to be spending a lot of time "introspecting", which I understand is normal for people with this disease. 
In my last post, I mentioned that Hospice might be called in, and indeed I went ahead and chose a team to help with Shirley's care. Kim visits Shirley often and helps with an extra shower every week. Tracy is the nurse who not only makes regular visits, but is a strong advocate for mom's comfort care. Mark is the pastor who reads the Bible and prays with her each week. There are many others on the team too, including volunteers who will visit and hold mom's hand and talk with her. I'm so grateful to them all.
There is another person I'm very grateful to as well. Shortly after my last post, I met a wonderful man who has become the light of my life. We have come to love one another in a way I've never experienced before. Michael and I will be partners for life. Not only does he love me (and Butterball too), he loves Shirley so much. From the very first time he visited the Care Center with me, it was obvious that he and Shirley connected on a whole other level. She LOVES to see him come into the room. He brings her flowers, helps with her lunch, holds her hand and talks with her, makes her smile, doesn't shy away from wiping her nose or getting her to the toilet or any of the other tasks necessary for mom's comfort. Mike is definitely a keeper. I'd be lost without his love and support.
I'm going to bring this to a close with one more thank you - this to one of mom's former students at MASH. I came home from the Care Center yesterday to find a Christmas card in the mailbox addressed to Shirley. I opened it to find a lovely message from Stephen, who wrote that he thinks of mom often. He included a phone number and I called to thank him. We chatted for quite a while, and it was wonderful to hear him reminisce about the times he spent with Shirley in her office and how she helped guide him through some rough spots in high school. So thank you Stephen for shining yet another bright light into Shirley's - and my - life. I'll be taking that card in to her soon. Merry Christmas everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kathy,

    It's SO good to see you again, but I'm so sorry to know that your mom's health is declining. Her picture does not reflect this, however, and she is as pretty as ever. She does look more peaceful. Although the word Hospice can sometimes conger up sadness,only those who receive their care realize that it is a God send. To know that a Pastor visits Shirley each week is a blessing too.
    Kathy, what a beautiful picture of you, and Mike,and your mom, and Butterball. You glow.
    You have blessed your family so much in the past couple of years, it's so good to know that these blessings are being returned. I am thankful, Kathy, that you and Mike (and Butterball) have found each other.
    And how wonderful that Stephen wrote such an uplifting card and letter to your mom. People have no idea what these random acts of kindness can mean to others.
    Across the miles, my friend, Merry Christmas to you and Mike, to your mom, and to Butterball. Many hugs my friend...hope you can feel them.
