Monday, June 7, 2010

In her heyday

So, I have been reading (again) and considering replacing mom's regular tea bags with decaf, and her sugar with Splenda.  She drinks a lot of tea, and has been putting 4 or 5 teaspoons of sugar in each cup.  I think the replacements might help her to sleep better.  As it is, she wanders around the house most of the night, (which might explain why she "sleeps" in her clothes).

I came across this photo when I was home last, and had Rite Aid scan it in for me.  She was a looker, wasn't she?  Still is.


  1. Kathy,
    I think those are excellent choices.
    Tea is such a soothing beverage - I have a cup every night after dinner, no matter how warm it might be outside. And it's always decaf with Splenda - this way, I know I don't have to worry about caffein interrupting my sleep. Or in the afternoons, when I am home and reading a book and eating a cookie or two (shhhh, don't tell anybody that I do this).
    I think by your choices for your mom, you are probably helping her get a better night's sleep and that has to be beneficial for her.
    Keep writing Kath...
    Thoughts and prayers,

  2. ps.
    Your mom is definitely a looker, then, and now.
