Thursday, October 7, 2010

Happy Days

So, yesterday was a very long day for this caregiver.  Mom's friend had called me on Tuesday evening to say that he and mom had been invited out to some old friends' house in the country to spend the day.  He was going to pick her up at 9 a.m. on Wednesday.  Even though this friend said that he and their friends would be happy to take mom "as she is", I felt like I should go over early and make sure she was dressed in something appropriate and that her hair was combed.  So, I shagged out at 6 a.m., showered by 7, and was at mom's door by 8.  She was ready by 9, when her phone rang and her friend said that the day had been "called off" because of the rainy weather.  He hoped he hadn't ruined anyone's plans and would be by to take mom to dinner, as he always does on Wednesdays. 

I usually try to give mom her morning space, let her get up and make her breakfast and take a pill if she remembers, before I show up after 10 or so.  In this case, the day was cold and rainy for the most part, and we wound up spending the entire day together.  We did lunch at Wendy's, came up to my place for a cup of tea and to pet Butterball (she and Butter get along so well!), then went home and got her hair washed and curled for her dinner date with her friend. 

And then I got my prize.  Just before I left at 4, as we were sitting on the couch and holding hands, she turned to me and said, "This has been a really happy day for me.  Thank you."  If someone offered me a million bucks to trade that moment, I'd have to turn it down.  What a great -no- HAPPY day for me too.


  1. Kath,
    Oh the treasures God gives us - who knows if the day would have been a "happy" one for your mom if she had gone to the country with her friend. Blessings sometimes come unexpectedly, even with alzheimers and on what would seem to others an ordinary day, you learned that 'happy' is still in your mom's vocabulary.
    Remember that "learning curve" you mentioned a few posts ago? I think those curve balls are starting to come in right over home plate - and you are batting average is getting better every day.
    May those 'happy' days be more frequent for mom and for you as well. They are better than any medicine you could buy.

  2. What an absolutely wondeful day you had, and to receive such a compliment at the end of it had to be the frosting on the cake! I am so glad to hear that it's not "all bad". It's such a difficult disease, you don't know from one minute to the next what to expect. But you certainly had a beautiful day together. And I agree with Sue's "curve balls"! I wish many more of these happy days for you and mom. Thank you for sharing with us!
